NUTZFIT sucks. It’s not fun and I don’t want to do it every week — that’s the point.

What is NUTZFIT?

NUTZFIT is a workout I made up. It used to be called “Clarkfit” but I found out that name was already part of an established business, so I changed it to a far superior name that sounds better and is fun to say: NUTZZZZZFIT.

The workout routine consists of the following:

-50 pull ups
-100 burpees
-100 lunges
-100 kettle bell swings
-200 jumping jacks
-4 min core
-1 mile run with an 80 LB sandbag

Pretty minor right?

The list is a little fluid. Those are the totals for each exercise, but it doesn’t matter what order you do them in. The workout also allows for variations.

Some guys do squats or step ups for legs. The 4 min core can be a plank, side plank, or crunches. Some guys run without the sand bag. Some guys can’t do pull ups so they do more burpees.


When do I do it?

Every single Wednesday at 6 AM. No matter what.

I put emphasis on the “No Matter What” part. The only allowance has been a change in start time while I’m traveling.

Yes, I do it on vacations because NUTZFIT never takes a break.

I’ve done it with covid, minor injuries, after a 100 mile race, hungover, after a vasectomy (TMI), birthdays, holidays, in the rain, in the snow or in the heat.

I’ve done it in hotels, on the beach, in the yard, on a boat, in a gym, on a playground, in the driveway, on a street, in a parking lot, or at a friends house.

You would think that doing NUTZFIT all these years, would make it easier. Nope, it still sucks. It sucks every time.

The only thing that has changed is that I’ve made the workout harder. The sand bag carry during the run has been everyone’s favorite addition. For extra credit, try it during a 5k run up the mountain.

And yes, there are actually a few people who come and do this workout with me because misery loves company.

Now the big question, why?

I call it my “strength” workout but it has very little to do with the physical part. It is 95% mental conditioning. Doing something challenging on a consistent basis creates a mind discipline to tackle real challenges that pop up in your lifetime.

When life hits you, are you going to be ready? Are you going to quit? Are you going to run away? Will you be mentally strong enough to get through it?


For most of America, because of the lazy, over consuming, do-what-you-feel world we live in, there aren’t enough opportunities for adversity to work that mental muscle. You need to create a an event to train your brain.

I workout everyday and it mostly consists of running various distances, efforts and speeds. I also incorporate biking, swimming, surfing and even riding dirt bikes. Mostly to maintain fitness, which is also a discipline, but nothing like my weekly Wednesday suffer fest.

I encourage everyone to get a little NUTZFIT in their life. It doesn’t have to be my specific program, it just has to be hard enough that you don’t want to do it. If the workout starts getting easier, it’s because you’re getting stronger. That’s when it’s time to make it harder.

I suggest doing something that requires very little special equipment. I do my workout on the concrete driveway at my house. When I don’t have a pull up bar, I’ll find a tree. If I need weight, I’ll fill my back pack with coconuts.

I also encourage inviting people to do it with you to keep you accountable. I have a group text of suckers (I mean friends), that I send out every Tuesday night to tell them that it’s on.

Some days I’m the only one, some days we have a posse.

No one ever regrets not doing the workout. They always regret missing it.

We always say that the best time of the week is Wednesday at 8am, as soon as the workout is over.

So what are you waiting for? Pick something and get after it!



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About Kimo Clark

I’m a Jesus loving Christian, husband, father of 3, business owner and life loving adventurer. Born and raised on the island of Maui, I share the ups and downs of my life and the many lessons I’ve learned through trial and error. 🤙🏼

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NUTZFIT sucks. It’s not fun and I don’t want to do it every week — that’s the point.

What is NUTZFIT?

NUTZFIT is a workout I made up. It used to be called “Clarkfit” but I found out that name was already part of an established business, so I changed it to a far superior name that sounds better and is fun to say: NUTZZZZZFIT.

The workout routine consists of the following:

-50 pull ups
-100 burpees
-100 lunges
-100 kettle bell swings
-200 jumping jacks
-4 min core
-1 mile run with an 80 LB sandbag

Pretty minor right?

The list is a little fluid. Those are the totals for each exercise, but it doesn’t matter what order you do them in. The workout also allows for variations.

Some guys do squats or step ups for legs. The 4 min core can be a plank, side plank, or crunches. Some guys run without the sand bag. Some guys can’t do pull ups so they do more burpees.


When do I do it?

Every single Wednesday at 6 AM. No matter what.

I put emphasis on the “No Matter What” part. The only allowance has been a change in start time while I’m traveling.

Yes, I do it on vacations because NUTZFIT never takes a break.

I’ve done it with covid, minor injuries, after a 100 mile race, hungover, after a vasectomy (TMI), birthdays, holidays, in the rain, in the snow or in the heat.

I’ve done it in hotels, on the beach, in the yard, on a boat, in a gym, on a playground, in the driveway, on a street, in a parking lot, or at a friends house.

You would think that doing NUTZFIT all these years, would make it easier. Nope, it still sucks. It sucks every time.

The only thing that has changed is that I’ve made the workout harder. The sand bag carry during the run has been everyone’s favorite addition. For extra credit, try it during a 5k run up the mountain.

And yes, there are actually a few people who come and do this workout with me because misery loves company.

Now the big question, why?

I call it my “strength” workout but it has very little to do with the physical part. It is 95% mental conditioning. Doing something challenging on a consistent basis creates a mind discipline to tackle real challenges that pop up in your lifetime.

When life hits you, are you going to be ready? Are you going to quit? Are you going to run away? Will you be mentally strong enough to get through it?


For most of America, because of the lazy, over consuming, do-what-you-feel world we live in, there aren’t enough opportunities for adversity to work that mental muscle. You need to create a an event to train your brain.

I workout everyday and it mostly consists of running various distances, efforts and speeds. I also incorporate biking, swimming, surfing and even riding dirt bikes. Mostly to maintain fitness, which is also a discipline, but nothing like my weekly Wednesday suffer fest.

I encourage everyone to get a little NUTZFIT in their life. It doesn’t have to be my specific program, it just has to be hard enough that you don’t want to do it. If the workout starts getting easier, it’s because you’re getting stronger. That’s when it’s time to make it harder.

I suggest doing something that requires very little special equipment. I do my workout on the concrete driveway at my house. When I don’t have a pull up bar, I’ll find a tree. If I need weight, I’ll fill my back pack with coconuts.

I also encourage inviting people to do it with you to keep you accountable. I have a group text of suckers (I mean friends), that I send out every Tuesday night to tell them that it’s on.

Some days I’m the only one, some days we have a posse.

No one ever regrets not doing the workout. They always regret missing it.

We always say that the best time of the week is Wednesday at 8am, as soon as the workout is over.

So what are you waiting for? Pick something and get after it!



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  1. Caleb January 5, 2023 at 11:18 pm - Reply

    Nutzfit really, truly does suck. Kimo will yell at you the entire time and especially for me when he makes fun of my white legs. He also won’t shut up about carrying the sandbag up the hill. The best part of this workout is the end. Despite all of this, I’d still rate it a 5-star.

    • kimo clark January 6, 2023 at 12:23 am - Reply

      Yes. All of this is true.

  2. kimo clark January 6, 2023 at 12:26 am - Reply

    The most important part of this workout is that if you’re going to puke, just don’t do it on my driveway.

    • Gordo Flores January 13, 2023 at 12:22 pm - Reply

      I did it once…. Worse, best time of my life. 5 out of 5 stars.

      • Kimo Clark January 13, 2023 at 9:40 pm - Reply

        It’s the best/worse time of my life every week.

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About Kimo Clark

I’m a Jesus loving Christian, husband, father of 3, business owner and life loving adventurer. Born and raised on the island of Maui, I share the ups and downs of my life and the many lessons I’ve learned through trial and error. 🤙🏼

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  1. Caleb January 5, 2023 at 11:18 pm - Reply

    Nutzfit really, truly does suck. Kimo will yell at you the entire time and especially for me when he makes fun of my white legs. He also won’t shut up about carrying the sandbag up the hill. The best part of this workout is the end. Despite all of this, I’d still rate it a 5-star.

    • kimo clark January 6, 2023 at 12:23 am - Reply

      Yes. All of this is true.

  2. kimo clark January 6, 2023 at 12:26 am - Reply

    The most important part of this workout is that if you’re going to puke, just don’t do it on my driveway.

    • Gordo Flores January 13, 2023 at 12:22 pm - Reply

      I did it once…. Worse, best time of my life. 5 out of 5 stars.

      • Kimo Clark January 13, 2023 at 9:40 pm - Reply

        It’s the best/worse time of my life every week.

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