“You look successful, how are you making all of this work?”
I could say that I am disciplined, that I have years of experience, or that I know how to grind for as long as it takes to get the job done. Those are all facts, but not those aren’t the reasons why it’s been working out. Not even close. The truth is, God holds it all together.
I lost count of all the times I made a wrong decision, a major mistake, a bad judgement call, pissed off the wrong person, or thought I knew everything — resulting in more mistakes, wrong decisions and so on. Over the years I’ve had my moments of being prideful, arrogant, ignorant, stupid, lazy, weak, a procrastinator, and a few times just wanting to give up and throw in the towel. All of that just proves my point; God holds it all together.
Looking successful has been going on for too long to say that it’s been all me. Nobody can fake it forever. Yes, I’ve learned a ton and have gotten better as a leader and I still put in the work. But, in the roller coaster of business, I would have already had a heart attack if it wasn’t for my faith.
Here’s why:
•When the bills are due and nobody has been paying your long overdue invoices…
•When you build up your crew in anticipation of the next big year and none of the jobs start…
•When all the work dries up…
•When someone on your crew gets hurt…
•When a truck gets into an accident…
•When your equipment breaks down, gets stolen or catches on fire…
•When an employee rips you off…
•When you train someone for years only to have them leave you and become your competitor…
•When the work you did fails and you have to come back and fix it years later…
•When your competition slanders your name just because your doing well…
•When a client gives a verbal agreement for a job then backs out of the deal last minute…
•When you get sued…
•When you borrow money against your house to put it all in the business risking everything…
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“You look successful, how are you making all of this work?”
I could say that I am disciplined, that I have years of experience, or that I know how to grind for as long as it takes to get the job done. Those are all facts, but not those aren’t the reasons why it’s been working out. Not even close. The truth is, God holds it all together.
I lost count of all the times I made a wrong decision, a major mistake, a bad judgement call, pissed off the wrong person, or thought I knew everything — resulting in more mistakes, wrong decisions and so on. Over the years I’ve had my moments of being prideful, arrogant, ignorant, stupid, lazy, weak, a procrastinator, and a few times just wanting to give up and throw in the towel. All of that just proves my point; God holds it all together.
Looking successful has been going on for too long to say that it’s been all me. Nobody can fake it forever. Yes, I’ve learned a ton and have gotten better as a leader and I still put in the work. But, in the roller coaster of business, I would have already had a heart attack if it wasn’t for my faith.
Here’s why:
•When the bills are due and nobody has been paying your long overdue invoices…
•When you build up your crew in anticipation of the next big year and none of the jobs start…
•When all the work dries up…
•When someone on your crew gets hurt…
•When a truck gets into an accident…
•When your equipment breaks down, gets stolen or catches on fire…
•When an employee rips you off…
•When you train someone for years only to have them leave you and become your competitor…
•When the work you did fails and you have to come back and fix it years later…
•When your competition slanders your name just because your doing well…
•When a client gives a verbal agreement for a job then backs out of the deal last minute…
•When you get sued…
•When you borrow money against your house to put it all in the business risking everything…
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Great blog!
Test test
Great story and you tell it so well!
Whoever wrote this must be a genius!
You definitely nailed it!
Yes!!! It is a daily grind, I owe it all to Jesus. I would not be where I am today. If it wasn’t for the Sacrifice he made on the. cross.
To God be the Glory, great things He has done!
He’s the glue! The solid rock we stand on! The everlasting truth!
The super glue
love This is so true and it’s important to remember in hard time and good gods plan shine through. I have alot of respect for u for letting this shine through u and your business
Great blog!
Test test
Great story and you tell it so well!
Whoever wrote this must be a genius!
You definitely nailed it!
Yes!!! It is a daily grind, I owe it all to Jesus. I would not be where I am today. If it wasn’t for the Sacrifice he made on the. cross.
To God be the Glory, great things He has done!
He’s the glue! The solid rock we stand on! The everlasting truth!
The super glue
love This is so true and it’s important to remember in hard time and good gods plan shine through. I have alot of respect for u for letting this shine through u and your business